
I am an EU qualified attorney-at-law working as an Electricity Markets Legal Advisor at ENTSO-E. I hold an LLM in Civil law and modern financial transactions from the University of Athens and an LLM in Energy and Climate Law from the University of Groningen. I have gained professional experience as a lawyer in Athens and as a legal officer in DG ENER. I am passionate about the EU law and policies, particularly in the fields of energy, climate and competition.

Highest Level of Education

Master's Degree

Current Job/Study field



Greece Flag Greece

Current employer

European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity

Area of expertise

Climate policy Competition Law Electricity market design Electricity Regulation Electricity transmission Energy Law Energy wholesale markets EU Network Codes Energy policy Institutional/public affairs


  • Greek
  • English
  • French


Profile completed at 50%. Alexandra has reached the
Basic Level

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