
I am a techno -optimist; the type who believes that tech exists to serve humans and make the world a better place. I am also committed to the idea that businesses and policy should move the needle towards a net zero future and better living standards for all. I believe in the power of technology to mitigate climate change and move the needle on social issues. I write on issues concerning decarbonization and climate policy. #climateaction #netzero #cloudsustainability

Highest Level of Education


Current Job/Study field

Private sector


France Flag France

Current employer

dassault systemes


  • Masters of Business
    Université Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris I) From September 2022 to March 2024

Area of expertise

Communications Climate policy


  • English
  • French


Profile completed at 70%. Liz has reached the
Standard Level

  • Personal Info inserted
  • Higher Education inserted
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