
I am Paula Reyes, with eight years of experience in energy regulation, specializing in advisory services for international Latin American, particularly Chilean, and European companies. I have extensive expertise in regulatory consulting for transmission system operations. Also, served as a regulatory consultant for the Chilean TSO. Currently, I am pursuing a Master's in Public Policy at the Hertie School in Berlin, and as an intern at ENTSO-E intern in the Legal Department of System Operations.

Highest Level of Education

Master's Degree

Current Job/Study field



Chile Flag Chile

Current employer


Work experience

  • Intern Legal Department of System Operations ENTSO-E
    ENTSO-E - Internship From June 2024 to Present

    Provide legal support on the interpretation of the relevant European energy legislation and the latest legislative developments, such as Energy Market Design Reform, and provide support to System Development Operations.

  • Regulatory Advisor
    Chilean Electric Coordinator (Chilean TSO) - Full-time From November 2020 to September 2023

    Supported the Legal Director and CEN divisions in regulatory issues on energy matters, system operations, and market oversight. Leaded research on climate change mitigation actions on the energy sector, both Latin-American and European context, including carbon pricing mechanisms. Tailored and curated regulatory workshops with relevant stakeholders. Guided and conducted evaluation of economic and energy policy data for policymaking analysis.

  • Environmental and Energy Regulatory Consultant
    Urenda, Reconret, Orrego & Dörr Law Firm - Full-time From July 2019 to October 2020

    Leaded research and analysis on energy and climate policy issues. Conducted market and legal research for fact sheets, papers and presentations on environmental and energy issues. Prepared, drafted and edited regulatory newsletters, internal reports and updates on national and international environmental regulations and trends on LatinAmerican and European context, including Green Tax Law implementation. Tailored and curated workshops and events on environmental regulations.

  • Environmental and Energy Regulatory Consultant
    Eelaw Energy and Environmental and Energy Law Firm - Full-time From January 2017 to July 2019

    Advised political organizations and guilds on energy matters and climate regulations, including Green Tax Law and emissions trading systems. Conducted market analysis on international regulations research on energy regulations, chemical management, and sustainability within recycling industry. Facilitated and curated tailored workshops on environmental and energy matters and climate change for key stakeholders. Leaded market and legal research for fact sheets, papers and presentations.

  • Manager and Research Associate
    Centre of Water Law and Management - Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile - Full-time From December 2015 to January 2016

    Carried qualitative and quantitative research on natural resources,rnencompassing literature and policy reviews, publication preparation, and datarncollection.rnLed cross-disciplinary editorial endeavors focused on natural resources andrnclimate change and creating database on environmental regulations.rnEdition of texts, newsletter, regulatory reports on climate matters. Use MSrnOffice and Data Management tools.


  • Law Degree
    Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile From March 2009 to December 2013
  • Master of Public Policy
    Hertie School of Governance From September 2023 to July 2024

Area of expertise

(C)PPAs Balancing (electricity) Climate policy Economic modelling Electricity market design Electricity transmission Energy policy Environmental policy Environmental Regulation EU Network Codes


  • Spanish
  • English
  • Brazilian Portuguese


Profile completed at 90%. Paula has reached the
Standard Level

  • Personal Info inserted
  • Higher Education inserted
  • Work Experience inserted
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